Listen: When You Have No Writing Ideas

Including all the highlights in the show notes

Laura Winter


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

This week I’m talking about what to do when you’ve run out of writing ideas. Plus strategies to help you get out of the writing and creativity funk (including not writing, if that’s what you need).

Confession: perfectionism

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Podcast details:

If you have no ideas, do not fear. I often find that I’m overwhelmed because I look at the entire project — trying to create a finished project before I’ve even started. Here are some different ways to pump some creativity into your writing process.

  • flash fiction prompts — you only have to write a single scene, and less than 1500 words!
  • single word prompts or sentence prompts — I find a lot of these on tumblr, but there are tons of websites and articles with ideas. Pick one and focus on a single scene instead of trying to create an entire story out of…



Laura Winter

Creator. Writer. Author. Join my newsletter and get introduced to my fantasy worlds!