The Strengths Behind a Writing Group

Our successes during NaNoWriMo this year are directly correlated to our accountability group

Laura Winter
4 min readNov 9, 2020
Photo by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash

Like every year, writers embark on a month-long journey to write 50,000 in November. For some like myself, they tackle a brand new draft of a brand new novel. Others, lovingly called ‘rebels’, choose to write their words on an existing novel or aim to fix a written manuscript. All of this is in the name of finishing a novel by the end of the month.

When I first started writing, NaNoWriMo was a solo adventure for me. I held myself accountable for getting up in the morning, reaching my word counts, and crossing the finish line. I cheered silently to myself with each successful day of writing. I celebrated the finish line at 10AM on a Saturday morning when most people were still asleep after a party the night before.

But something magical happened when I moved away from that small town in the middle of nowhere — I found a writing group. With a new city and a little bit of writing time under my belt, I sought a group that would continue to hold me accountable to writing. Little did I know that in less than a year I’d be leading the charge and inviting new writers to join our group.



Laura Winter

Creator. Writer. Author. Join my newsletter and get introduced to my fantasy worlds!